Save India – Save Nature

As we all know India has many Natural Resources and wealth. A country proved as King of Agricultural products. In every aspects of natural wealth, India has its own mark. A country where people work hard for their living as well as their pets like cow, buffalo, even trees. Also they worship them as gods and serve them like their children.

Actual Indian tradition of Business Vs Modern Technology effects:
A farmer who grows various products to sell them will form a syndicate and choose a place and selling value for the products. They sell them and make their living at reasonable values. The consumer who buys them will be satisfied by the quality and quantity of the product. Farmers follow Rotational Crop format so that soil will be fertile long time. For ex: If farmer chooses to sow groundnut this year, next year he chooses some other crop like cotton, corn etc. so that fertility of soil remains in a stable position.

Each Agricultural term has its uniqueness, let’s take paddy as example. Rice grains is a product as we use in our daily life, rice by crushing can make flakes, the grass and brown layer above rice can be used as rich protein food product for cows, buffalo, horses etc. but these days technology made people mad and just plucking rice grains from crop and again harvesting for rice. These are affecting the food habits of pets and imbalances. As per the tradition, grass and other left over products which are feed to cows makes them healthier and gives good quality of milk. Breaking the rules of nature and changing the logic's affecting us today as shortage of milk.

There are many such examples, resulting in natural imbalances. Believe it or not Deforestation today lead to increase in mosquito population. Silly to be in thoughts but fact, here are many such factors making the life of many living things in Endangered. Sparrows the friendliest birds are almost at peak stage of Endangered.

To be Continued....

1 comment:

  1. Good saying Ravi. It is the time to put a bit more concentration on saving our mother earth.
