Showing posts with label Vinayaka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vinayaka. Show all posts

The Story of Vigneshwara (Ganesa) - Savaari in subcontinent

Vinayaka chavithi -  savaari in subcontinent
Vigneshwara (Vinayaka) - the god of Initiation, Every Indian starts their business or work by praying him to avoid Obstacles. He is the remover of all obstacles (Avighna). He is also known as Ganesha (Ganapati). A person going to attend Exam, Interview, Journey etc worships for success before beginning as he is a God for Success (Siddhivinayaka).

Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva (Mahadev) and Parvati Devi. As per the myth happened on Mount Kailash, once Lord Shiva was outside and Parvati is going to take bath. Before going to bath, she made an idol which looked so beautiful and she deserves if it’s their son. That idol became live and she adopted as her son named Vinayaka. While Parvati was bathing the Vinayaka is guarding the house and stops Shiva entering to house.

Shiva felt frustration and began rivalry between them. Without knowing about Vinayaka, lord Shiva separated Vinayaka head from body. Parvati returned and watching the situation of son cried and narrated the whole story to Shiva. As per Brahma’s suggestion the only solution given was to attach the head of any living being which comes first while in search of and facing north. Shiva sent his troop called “Gana’s” for that purpose. They found an elephant lying down dead with the criteria.

The huge idol of Ganesha represents many good qualities to be obtained and how to be positive in life with what we have in life.

Jai Ganesha.

The Weapons of Ganesha and Human relation: Savaari in Subcontinent

Beloved God of Hindus. Every Initiation takes his name, every work has his name to avoid obstacles.

Gives us a good start in life. The Name we call Vigneshwara, Vinayaka, Ganapati, Ganesha.....

Om / AUM

Aum /Om 
(The sacred syllable of Hindu Culture)

“Aum. The root mantra, soundless sound from which all creation issues forth.” 
Every sacred verse of Hindu written start and ends with Om. It is associated with Ganesha, who rules all over.
Ankusha ganesha

(The Goad)

The Ankusa, a hook like tool held in right hand. It is used by a mahout to train and guide an elephant.
Ganesha helps us moving ahead on are karmic life when we go out of right track, grow lazy or depressed.
broken tusk of ganesha

(Broken Tusk)

Te broken tusk of Ganesha shows us to use resources available.
It was broken by Ganesha to write Mahabharata words while vyasa dictates.
fly whisk in Ganesha hands

(Fly-whisk or Fan)

Chamara is a tool to whisk the flies around and make clear surroundings. 
Represents to remove unwanted memories and make ourselves clear.
Gajaraja gajanana
Gaja Elephant

(The Elephant)

Elephants mostly seen in temple entrances, as it is a king of beasts and symbol for loyalty. To safe guard the powers.
kamandalu - water vessel

(The Water Vessel)

Kamandalu, a water vessel which is never required to refill.
Represents Unlimited love faith and endless confidence.
Mala - prayer beeds
Mala Beeds

(Prayer Beads)

Mala/prayer Beads. It is used to count the no of chanting by moving in circular motion. Made of Rudraksha.
Sweets bowl with laddus

(Bowl of Sweets)

Sweet things in life are symbolic representation with Sweet bowl (Laddu). Moksha (spiritual liberation) and The modaka.

(Hand Gestures)

Abaya hastham, a hand gesture symbol for saying “ I am here to safe guard you”
Mushika vahanam


Though feels like a humour, Ganesha concept is to control unwanted thoughts similar to Rats eat everything and multiplies in short time.
Naga The snake
Naga - The Snake

(The Snake)

A snake has similar emotions like humans. Represents fear, anger etc which are surrounded us.
Narikela - coconut


Coconut Hard outside and soft inside. It means Break hard walls outside and show soft and kind nature in us.
Padmam - Lotus flower

(Lotus Flower)

The lotus Flower though grows in muddy and dirty areas, but still it’s the symbol of beauty.
Nothing is useless, even the mud can support to grow lotus.
A Tether (lasso) - Pasha

(A Tether or Lasso)

Pasha or a heavy rope of judgement. Ganesha ties devotees to be in right track, similar to cows tied to cart.
Conch Shell - Shanka

(Conch Shell)

Conch shell is an alarm, reminds us our duties to be done in time. Everyone should follow the valuable time table.
Swasthika -  sign of Luck

(Sign of Good Luck)

Swastika, a Symbol for luck, purity and hygienic. It means everything will be alright.

Jai Ganesha

Avignamasthu - Jai Vigneshwara

Jai bolo ganesh maharaj ki!!!